# of watchers: 41
| D20: 19 |
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Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2006-02-21 [Deadly Pacifist]: *sniff sniff* yes someone did... thas just gross *jumps out the window*
2006-02-21 [Invader Havoc]: luckily I am sick... I can't smell or sniff atol
2006-02-21 [W!ld KAT]: my allergies are actin up so i cant smell at all,....
2006-02-21 [Deadly Pacifist]: *looks into the window* thas horrible anyone got any cotton balls i dont wanna stand out here all night?
2006-02-21 [W!ld KAT]: put twinkies in your nose!
2006-02-21 [Invader Havoc]: here ya go *hands assassin two cotton balls*
2006-02-21 [W!ld KAT]: awww,...it woulda been funny to see the white stuff in his nose!! lol :P
2006-02-21 [Invader Havoc]: though... I could just give you this... *pulls out a small purple pill* my own creation.... you wouldn't smell anything for about 2-4 hours
2006-02-21 [Deadly Pacifist]: :P thank you Lauryll *puts cotton balls in nose and hops back in*
2006-02-21 [Invader Havoc]: somebody told me my display name was too goth-y *cries*
2006-02-21 [Deadly Pacifist]: *looks at pills*..... i like cotton balls
2006-02-21 [W!ld KAT]: now why would they say that?
2006-02-21 [Invader Havoc]: and np, sure you don't wanna try my newest pill? it's been tested so I know there aren't any harmful effects... anymore
2006-02-21 [Invader Havoc]: I don't really know... I just write my display names, cause I get hooks for songs and poems and can't write around them
2006-02-21 [Deadly Pacifist]: fine... give me the pill... and how is ur display name gothy?
2006-02-21 [Deadly Pacifist]: it dont seem gothy... i thought goths were like old skool people?
2006-02-21 [Invader Havoc]: I dunno... here ya go... sorry I gotta run... gotta go to detroit and be back in the morning... someone has been... disgracing my family name... byez
2006-02-21 [Deadly Pacifist]: old skool like knights.... that sacked rome
2006-02-21 [The Darkness of your soul]: hi
2006-02-22 [Blinded Seraphim]: love the bullet border by the way
2006-02-22 [Frosty French Fry]: Thank you
2006-02-22 [Blinded Seraphim]: you am welcome
2006-02-22 [Frosty French Fry]: This whole thing is done right? the whole cat fight between those 2 people
2006-02-22 [Blinded Seraphim]: hell if i know
2006-02-22 [Frosty French Fry]: I was tryin to find people...but im like..ya know..it was prolly a cat fight...so im done....moving on to more important shit like Lynney
2006-02-22 [Invader Havoc]: hi all what's up?
2006-02-22 [Love like Winter.]: Hey!
2006-02-22 [Frosty French Fry]: not alot...what up
2006-02-22 [Love like Winter.]: I'm in the bar (getting drunk! not really :S lol).. Haha, how about you?
2006-02-22 [Frosty French Fry]: nothin much....Like my bullets up there?
2006-02-22 [Love like Winter.]: Very spiffy ^_^ looks like a serious mafia now..
2006-02-22 [Frosty French Fry]: lol
2006-02-22 [Invader Havoc]: cha well I gotta run... my pc is being a bitch... Later!
2006-02-22 [W!ld KAT]: chickenz!!!!
2006-02-23 [zoloftzantac]: Where? I wanna eat some chickenz!
2006-02-23 [Love like Winter.]: .< Poor chickens... :(
2006-02-23 [Voice of the Voiceless]: XD
2006-02-23 [Invader Havoc]: WTF?!?!? I like Cock! (male chicken you pervs! lmao)
2006-02-23 [Kaze]: I hear what I want to hear.
2006-02-23 [zoloftzantac]: ... well, it just so happens that I've got some right here and .... ummm, errr .... oh, you meant chickens, nevermind :p
2006-02-23 [Kaze]: It seems everytime I go to a nice restaurant, I always end up getting me some cock. I wonder why that is ... <.<;;;
2006-02-24 [Deadly Pacifist]: maybe its cuz its so tatsty... like pepsi bottles
2006-02-24 [Lyfe and Death]: can i join, and im serious this time
2006-02-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: youd have to ask pimpin
2006-02-24 [Frosty French Fry]: Well..I dont have a problem with it...
2006-02-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: what position were you planning on applying for?
2006-02-24 [Frosty French Fry]: I was just gonna say the same thing
2006-02-25 [Invader Havoc]: really zoloft? that kind of Cock is ALSO very delicious hehehehehehe
2006-02-25 [The Darkness of your soul]: hi
2006-02-25 [Frosty French Fry]: ok yall..take it to the closet..
2006-02-25 [zoloftzantac]: Look me up when you are 18 hun, I've got all you can eat ;)
2006-02-25 [Love like Winter.]: >.<
2006-02-25 [W!ld KAT]: boo yall!! how's everyone today?
2006-02-25 [zoloftzantac]: Oh my god, did I say that? *tries to compose himself* Good morning Angel!
2006-02-26 [Invader Havoc]: *blushes* Angel, he is hurting my "virgin" ears LMFAO [yeah... me... virgin ears...]
2006-02-26 [Soft as Bone]: wow, things are getting hot and heeavy at the mafia...
2006-02-26 [Frosty French Fry]: *shakes head*....From now on, discussions like that need to happen in the bar or the closet.....
2006-02-26 [Frosty French Fry]: Lets try and keep this page clean eh...more "Professional" you might say
2006-02-26 [Love like Winter.]: *huggles Matt for saying what I was thinking*
2006-02-26 [Frosty French Fry]: *hugs*....
2006-02-27 [zoloftzantac]: *wanders back to the bar*
2006-02-27 [W!ld KAT]: yall are too censored,....* runs and hides in closet *
2006-02-27 [Frosty French Fry]: No, not censored.....J
2006-02-27 [Kaze]: <.<;; *locks said closet* well that was easy. *flutters off*
2006-02-27 [W!ld KAT]: *picks lock and walks calmly to bar* :P
2006-02-27 [Kaze]: *mouth ajar* But.... What th... I di.... Shiggi... oh whatever.. *curls up on the floor to sleep*
2006-02-27 [W!ld KAT]: *sneaks over next to kaze* what? didnt think a girl could pick a lock?
2006-02-27 [Kaze]: No, I just wondered why there was a keyhole on the inside of a closet. *prods yer knees*
2006-02-27 [Frosty French Fry]: *sits at a desk* ...
2006-02-27 [W!ld KAT]: *tickles kaze* if there's a key hole on the outside theere's one on the inside,.....
2006-02-27 [Frosty French Fry]: I will have to fix that.....that closet is the storage place for Rats...
2006-02-27 [Kaze]: But... really... who needs a lock on the INSIDE of a closet, really now. Ack! *scurries off*
2006-02-27 [W!ld KAT]: *rolls on floor laughing then sits up real fast and looks at matt* hey i have a question,....
2006-02-27 [Frosty French Fry]: what
2006-02-27 [W!ld KAT]: whatever became of your office?
2006-02-27 [Frosty French Fry]: who knows...it might still be there....
2006-02-27 [W!ld KAT]: just sitting?
2006-02-27 [Frosty French Fry]: ya i guess
2006-02-27 [W!ld KAT]: that's not very good,,...anywa
2006-02-27 [Frosty French Fry]: not shit..as always
2006-02-28 [Kaze]: Well that's not always a bad thing. Think about it. If shit WERE up, then you'd need a plumber who can defy gravity.
2006-02-28 [Frosty French Fry]: wow.....hahaha
2006-02-28 [Kaze]: I, myself, am a Quantum Mechanic, I can fix quantum like nobody's business. :3
2006-02-28 [Blinded Seraphim]: ...yer all nuts...and thats coming from me, sad aint it?
2006-02-28 [Love like Winter.]: Mwahahahahahah
2006-02-28 [Blinded Seraphim]: ...okay then
2006-02-28 [Love like Winter.]: *has died, no one cares.*
2006-02-28 [zoloftzantac]: *49 mins after [Love like Winter.] died], [zoloftzantac] sobers up enough to notice* umm .... huh? *wakes up* OMG! what happened to [Love like Winter.]! ,v_v
2006-02-28 [Kaze]: *walks around randomly stabbing walls*
2006-03-01 [Jino]: Hm... This place... Looks familiar...
2006-03-01 [Blinded Seraphim]: Can i help you?
2006-03-01 [Kaze]: *repeatedly walks into a wall*
2006-03-01 [Love like Winter.]: *is still dead*
2006-03-01 [Kaze]: ...... *starts to swipe her shoes*
2006-03-01 [Frosty French Fry]: *grabs Erins shoes from you and puts them back on Erin* She aint dead..*picks Erin up and puts her on the couch* She has bouts of this...she will wake up soon enough
2006-03-01 [Kaze]: o.O? ..... well until then, I get her shoes. <.<;; *scurries*
2006-03-01 [zoloftzantac]: *puts a pretty lily down next to [Love like Winter.]* We'll miss you :(
2006-03-01 [Love like Winter.]: *raises at the thought of my converse being stolen* Oh no you don't! *grabs them back* Grrrrr!
2006-03-01 [Kaze]: v__v who knew the secret to raising the dead was coincidentally my favorite hobby.
2006-03-02 [W!ld KAT]: yall are nutz,.....abso
2006-03-02 [Blinded Seraphim]: I concur...if only there was mafia work to do...things have really duled down since boss got tossed out
2006-03-02 [Frosty French Fry]: hell if I had access to more stuff I would try to make everything more "lively"....
2006-03-02 [zoloftzantac]: Good points, until such time as we can bust [Lust] out of jail we need a leader. I nominate [Frosty French Fry] as acting Don until such said time (I can transfer owner ship of all the wiki pages to the new Don)
2006-03-02 [itweetinHEELS]: sorry i've been absent, i was taking care of my daughter
2006-03-02 [Blinded Seraphim]: are you saying you need the password big?
2006-03-02 [W!ld KAT]: give it to em!!
2006-03-02 [Blinded Seraphim]: I'd be happy to...ill send you a message big with the password
2006-03-02 [W!ld KAT]: that's good,...so what's up yall?
2006-03-02 [Blinded Seraphim]: im just killing time until my next class
2006-03-02 [Kaze]: you leave him be, what did time do to you?
2006-03-02 [Blinded Seraphim]: *shakes his head*
2006-03-02 [Kaze]: <.<;;; I have to go now, my planet needs me. *floats upward*
2006-03-03 [zoloftzantac]: [Jino]: Sorry to be the one to bring you the bad news, [Lust] has been banned from EP
2006-03-03 [STYLE-LAB]: Lynney says to find [Jino] a good place in the mafia, he is loyal on et mafia so can be trusted in the ep mafia.
2006-03-03 [Blinded Seraphim]: Well, jino has to apply to the head of the division she wishes to apply for, we all knw that
2006-03-05 [STYLE-LAB]: Of course =)
2006-03-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: if he were to decide to apply to my branch however...i wouldnt reject him
2006-03-07 [Jino]: Heh! I was thinking of applying for a Sweeper... I'll decide what I want to be here... Just gotta find time to sit down behind the old PC.
2006-03-07 [Kaze]: Nobody wants my job. :3
2006-03-07 [W!ld KAT]: i could do your job with one arm
2006-03-07 [Kaze]: You only say that because you have a vagina.
2006-03-07 [W!ld KAT]: so? it gets the work done dont it?
2006-03-07 [Deadly Pacifist]: that could of got messy
2006-03-07 [Kaze]: Nobody liked my vagina, that's why.
2006-03-07 [Deadly Pacifist]: lol ur porr vagina
2006-03-07 [Kaze]: <.<;;; I really wonder if you think I'm kidding or not. I really, really do.
2006-03-07 [zoloftzantac]: damn [Kaze], you must have a magical mangina
2006-03-07 [Kaze]: Its not magical. And it doesn't exist anymore, it healed over. v__v
2006-03-08 [zoloftzantac]: o.O
2006-03-08 [Kaze]: <.<;; Dare I post a picture of said vagina hole..?
2006-03-09 [zoloftzantac]: ummm .... have I seen you on rotten.com?
2006-03-09 [Kaze]: No. But that's an interesting idea..
2006-03-10 [W!ld KAT]: yall r crazy,....
2006-03-10 [Frosty French Fry]: *sigh*....my my
2006-03-10 [The Darkness of your soul]: hi.
2006-03-10 [Blinded Seraphim]: I muct agree with texas, things are so much looser without the don
2006-03-12 [Lust]: LMAO! Kaze! Stop scaring everyone! I'm back to make you all suffer! Everyone, 30 pushups! NOW NOW NOW! GO GO GO! *whips*
2006-03-12 [Voice of the Voiceless]: *hideds in a shadowy area from her* o.o
2006-03-12 [Lust]: I see you! Get your ass moving! *snaps the whip*
2006-03-12 [Voice of the Voiceless]: <---- >=) likes girls with whips
2006-03-12 [Lust]: LMAO!!!
2006-03-12 [Voice of the Voiceless]: hehe....o.o so how ya been?
2006-03-12 [Lust]: So so. Heh, And you?
2006-03-12 [Voice of the Voiceless]: good, but hey i g2g
2006-03-12 [Lust]: laters!
2006-03-12 [Soft as Bone]: hey, lynney. it;s good to have you back!!!
2006-03-12 [Lust]: Thank you! *huggles*
2006-03-13 [Blinded Seraphim]: Good to have ya back boss
2006-03-13 [Lust]: Thank you! *hugs!!*
2006-03-13 [Blinded Seraphim]: your welcome *hugs back*
2006-03-13 [Lust]: ^-^
2006-03-13 [Lust]: Aww thanks
2006-03-13 [itweetinHEELS]: sorry i've been absent.It's the kids,lol.
2006-03-13 [Lust]: I have been as well.. WOW!
2006-03-13 [Lust]: but no kids!
2006-03-14 [Blinded Seraphim]: id sure hope not XD
2006-03-14 [Lust]: lmao..!
2006-03-14 [Deadly Pacifist]: cookies are good for the lungs says dr manoth
2006-03-14 [B-Raz]: lol well then I like that docter lol and welcome back boss :D
2006-03-14 [Deadly Pacifist]: heck yes.... that doctor is cool.... and also.... milk is good for u nose
2006-03-14 [Lust]: Cookie!? WHERE!
2006-03-14 [Deadly Pacifist]: in the corner of the last room in the hotel
2006-03-14 [B-Raz]: *grabs cookies goes into a closet and eats them*
2006-03-14 [Deadly Pacifist]: it looks like braz beat you :P but i have more i am the cookie dispenser its my job....
2006-03-14 [B-Raz]: lol cool lol
2006-03-14 [Lust]: I.. Wanna.. COOKIE!
2006-03-14 [zoloftzantac]: *gives [Lust] his own cookie that he was saving for later*
2006-03-14 [Lust]: *chows down* THANK YOU! *kiss*
2006-03-14 [Voice of the Voiceless]: He had the cookie in his pocket. XD
2006-03-14 [Jino]: Yo, Lyn, any idea what I should apply for? do you have a personal bodyguard yet?
2006-03-14 [Lust]: Take a look.
2006-03-14 [Jino]: BTW, what IS a problem solver?
2006-03-14 [Lust]: Erm.. *looks to tim..* Umm.. Solves misterys like a detective? .. *Waits to ask him..*
2006-03-14 [Jino]: Cool. But... Can I be a sweeper here as well?
2006-03-14 [Lust]: O.o *nods* Even though I dont even know what that is..
2006-03-14 [Jino]: Well... you get your assassins and you get your sweepers. Assassin:Goes there, finds the man, kills him. nice and quiet, as undetected as possible, with the least of casualties. Sweeper:Finds the place. Kills anyone that stands in his way. Kills whoever is in debt of the mafia. Leaves. Think: A ninja and a tank. Sweepers are the tanks. Although there are some times, when it's hart to tell one from the other, and they often have to work together.
2006-03-14 [Lust]: I WANNA BE A NINJA! *betends to get ina sneeky fighting stance* hiii YAHHHH! O.o *kicks Jino*
2006-03-14 [Jino]: ::blocks your kick and grabs your leg:: Now, now, boss... You know better. ::smiles, a cold, sadisticly-fun smile::
2006-03-14 [Lust]: O.O *pokes your nose* Sadly, but really I havnt gave you a hard time sense I turned boss. Soo.. *Gives the same smile back*
2006-03-14 [Jino]: Oh? So what? you're suggesting to go to the gym and you try to beat my sorry ass? Hm... Am i allowed to do the same? ::lifts your leg, therefore unalancing you, so you fall on your back::
2006-03-14 [Lust]: *Looks up at him, kicking betwen his legs* O.O Noo.. I get to beat on you and you cant defend yourself! I like that Idea!
2006-03-14 [Jino]: ::grabs her leg right befor it hits:: sorry... no dice. ::smiles and tries to kick her in the other knee, trying to get her out of ballance again::
2006-03-14 [Lust]: *turns on the ground, grabbing his leg, bitting into it as hard as she can* O.O
2006-03-14 [Jino]: Ouch. ::takes out a gun and shoots her in the left hand::
2006-03-14 [Lust]: OH MY FUCKIN GOD! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FUCKIN FOR!!! *grabs her hand, bitting as hard as sh could back into his leg*
2006-03-14 [Jino]: So you can let go of my leg? ::shoots the same hand, only this time in the shoulder:: Boss, let go of my leg...
2006-03-14 [Lust]: *twitches* That.. hurt... Okay! Fine.. I'll get you when you least expect it.. But right now... OH MY FUCKIN GOD! I think I'm gonna die...! *twitches more*
2006-03-14 [Jino]: :summons up a healing spell and heals Lyn:: There you go, boss... good as new...
2006-03-14 [zoloftzantac]: *rushes in* [Lust]!?! Are you okay?!? I heard a shot and then screaming ...
2006-03-14 [Jino]: She's OK, don't worry about her... I healed her...
2006-03-14 [Blinded Seraphim]: Good work jino
2006-03-14 [zoloftzantac]: right .... that's why there is blood all over the place and [Lust] is curled up in a ball, not saying anything.
2006-03-14 [Jino]: Well... she attacked me. We have a sort of a history me and her... Before I became Head Assassin and Sweeper in the ETMafia... And before she became Don there... I was ordered to kill her... And... Well... I still don't give a damn much if she's the Don or not... Although... I'm a loyal bastard. I'll do horrible stuff to whoever does this to her, who doesn't have a reason...
2006-03-14 [Blinded Seraphim]: Just remember jino, if you do it again, i can get my hacds on some fun toys too...
2006-03-14 [Jino]: Hehehe! No doubt about it! I mean... Even your name shows it... but still- you'll see... she won't be too mad at me... She should have gotten used to this by now...
2006-03-14 [Blinded Seraphim]: Just dont do it again...we are all very attached to our leader
2006-03-14 [Jino]: So am I. Otherwise I wouldn't have joined... ^_^ OK! I'll try to be... A little more careful and cold-blooded..
2006-03-14 [Blinded Seraphim]: very good. just remember the rules, do not ever hurt another member of the family
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